Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Terrible Thing to Waste. . .

A while back, a widely broadcast public service announcement and slogan of the United Negro College fund included the line, ". . . because a mind is a terrible thing to waste."

To be sure, it was and is most certainly true.

But in addition, we, as homosapiens, seem to waste a lot of things. No, this isn't going to be a rant about conservation, nature or the environment. This thought came home to me thinking about my extended family. My wife and I half-jokingly say things like
"you're so close" when names of my extended family members arise, mainly because her family always made it a point to STAY CLOSE. After all, they were FAMILY! My family on the other hand, drifted apart, not because of squabbles, disagreements or fights, but simply due to neglect. Maybe neglect is the wrong word. Apathy? Preoccupation?

Whatever the appropriate word may be, WE DID IT. And now as the years progress, MOST of the older generation is now gone and the remaining 'cousins' have only been in contact at funerals. Very sad indeed.

My hope, as a result, it to (possibly) initiate and maintain some semblance of contact. (I hope.) With this remarkable technology that should be fairly simple, shouldn't it? Well, we'll see. Stay tuned.