Monday, January 16, 2023

With Mirrors . . .

 Can you hear all that I say
Beneath all clever wordplay?
Don’t think that I’m insulting you
That I don’t want your point of view
Working from limited base
So easily losing your place
Why feign a blatant expertise
With no obvious philosophies?

Do you know
What you want
To accomplish here?
Will you go 
To the length you say you will
Or is this just all
Smoke and mirrors?

You may just set precedent
with every signal you’ve sent
Why don’t you learn the protocol
To no longer suffer this at all

Say what you mean if you mean it
Do what you feel in your heart
Make it real when you’re speaking your mind 

Impressions churning and spray
Like repairs flowing away
Pushing downstream ferociously
Uprooting each obstacle you see

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                               Put A Finger On It

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Consciousness . . .

. . . of stream

Positivity to temper, accompany, and inundate the empty hours;  facilitating a transcendence from this mere mortal coil with all its toil, trouble and injustice. 

Or, in other words, here's some more music.

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            Ambience & Wine

Saturday, January 14, 2023

WTF . . .

A "WTF" moment - was how Baltimore Magazine music critic John Lewis described the track (below) Joyride II from my album For the Ride back in 2008. 

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Another Shot by Ray Jozwiak
            Another Shot

Friday, January 13, 2023

Doesn't . . .

. . . get much MORE positive that this! 

Ring in the Rightness, from OHO's 2018 release 'Gazebo'

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Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

It Won't Be Easy . . .

. . . to just let it go

Sometimes I can get my point across,
And I do it rather well.
You can see
What I think
About me.

It's just my ego.
It gets the best of me.
It's just my ego
It just won't let me be,
It just won't let me be alone.
It's not one of my most redeeming qualities.
Still though it serves me rather well sometimes.
It won't be easy to just let it go,
It's just my ego.

I take such great pride in what I do.
Everyone should take some too.
Don't you think;
Pride in me,
Not in you?

There's a fine distinction between confidence and pride.
There's a fine distinction that I'll never know.
Cloaked with some discretion you emerge from the inside.
I emerge in all my glory. 
What is there to hide?

Mother said that I would never make
Any friends if I don't see
What I'm like,
If I don't lose some pride. 

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                 Critic’s Choice

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Care . . .


". . . All successful democracies rely on informal rules that, though not found in the constitution or any laws, are widely known and respected. In the case of American democracy, this has been vital. . . the unwritten rules of a half-court game of pickup basketball are familiar to anyone who has played it. . . Democracy, of course, is not street basketball. Democracies do have written rules (constitutions) and referees (the courts). But these work best, and survive longest, in countries where written constitutions are reinforced by their own unwritten rules of the game. These rules or norms serve as the soft guardrails of democracy, preventing day-to-day political competition from devolving into a no-holds-barred conflict. . . "

Take Good Care of My Baby
- Bobby Vee

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