Why Me?
- Kris Kirstofferson
Chicago, originally Chicago Transit Authority, included a song on their third album entitled Mother, which was about the callous pollution and bleak future to which we were subjecting our 'Mother Earth.' An excellent song with a trombone duet improvisation, the song went out on a chord progression much like this, which I had always thought was a beautiful sequence. My song, Mother Chi is based upon that chord progression and appears on my album For The Ride.
Plunge is a Jay Graboski original which appears on the OHO album Gazebo. This improvisation resulted from trial-and-error in formulating a keyboard part for Plunge. A challenging set of changes on which to improvise. This performance is replete with the growing pains of a work-in-progress.
He's in a rage
. . . we haven't learned, shame on us!