Thursday, December 8, 2022

Me? . . .


Who, irrespective of religious affiliation, disposition or lack of any at all, can't appreciate a well-done spiritual song?  And by the way, one sure-fire way to determine if your sore throat is serious enough to call in sick to work is to recite, as low, serious and slow as you can, the line, "Why me lord?"

Why Me?

- Kris Kirstofferson

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                 Critic’s Choice

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Mother . . .

Chicago, originally Chicago Transit Authority, included a song on their third album entitled Mother, which was about the callous pollution and bleak future to which we were subjecting our 'Mother Earth.' An excellent song with a trombone duet improvisation, the song went out on a chord progression much like this,  which I had always thought was a beautiful sequence. My song, Mother Chi is based upon that chord progression and appears on my album For The Ride.

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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Variations . . .


Plunge is a Jay Graboski original which appears on the OHO album Gazebo.  This improvisation resulted from trial-and-error in formulating a keyboard part for Plunge. A challenging set of changes on which to improvise. This performance is replete with the growing pains of a work-in-progress. 


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Ray Jozwiak

Monday, December 5, 2022

Of The Road . . .


He's in a rage
Simply because
Guy in that car,
Bout twice his age,
Is driving quite slowly.

Tries to contain
His temper as such.
Behind the wheel
He can't do very much.
But he simmers. 

This is the point
Where the tire
Hits the road,
Contains himself.

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            Ambience & Wine

Sunday, December 4, 2022

IF . . .

 . . . we haven't learned, shame on us!

(from The Divider: Trump in the White House, 2017-2021by Peter Baker and Susan Glasser)
". . . (he) freely dispensed insults about many of those who worked with and for him, disparaging John Bolton ("a degenerate"), Chris Christie ("sloppy Chris"), Mark Esper ("just wasn't meant for the job"), John Kelly ("wasn't mentally fit for the job"), Jim Mattis ("the world's most overrated general"), H.R. McMaster ("a total lightweight"), Mark Milley ("one of the dumbest people in the world"), Jeff Sessions ("not up to the job"), and Marc Short ("Marc Long"). And those were just the people he had picked to advise him. He also did not think much of Joe Biden, Liz Cheney, James Coney, Ashram Thani, Andrew McCabe, John McCain, Angela Merkel, Lisa Page, Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse, Adam Schiff, Peter Strzok, Alexander Vindman or Marie Yovanovitch. . . People he had no words of criticism for? Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jon-un, the January 6 rioters, or white supremecists. . . never explained why he hired so many stupid and mentally unfit people in the first place, much less what that would say about his judgement if they really were so incompetent. . ."

You're No Good

- Linda Ronstadt

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Saturday, December 3, 2022

Impress . . .

Some may say it's a little suggestive,
To name your song a word like impressive.
And also possibly presumptuous,
The opposite of the word humbleness.
You misinterpret my intent.
In bestowing this title, I do repent.
But if music is like fine champagne,
Splurge and get some John Coltrane.

The song Impressive (posted here) originally appeared on my album Another Shot and was inspired by John Coltrane's 'Impressions.'

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Friday, December 2, 2022

In A Nutshell . . .


(from The Divider: Trump in the White House, 2017-2021 by Peter Baker and Susan Glasser)
". . . "They want me to do a commercial because it seems that a lot of people that are inclined to be with me don't like the concept of - you know, they're anti vax," he said at the time, adding that he was considering doing it. People in the government had asked? "Yes," he said. . . But months had passed and no Trump commercial materialized even as tens of millions of his people refused to get vaccinated, putting themselves at increased risk of death from the virus. So we asked why he had not spoken out after he had been asked to. . . "Nope, they have not asked me," he told us. . . But Trump was the one who had told us about it in the first place. We point that out. Was he sure? .  . "Not that I know of, no," Trump blithely responded. . . Was he telling the truth the first time? The second? Neither? With Trump, one could never really tell. . . " 


- The Beatles

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