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. . . BECAUSE! (Besides, I'll bet you've never heard it.)
(from Doctor Faustus by Thomas Mann)". . . you need only tell a crowd they are 'the folk' to stir them up to all sorts of reactionary evil. What all has not happened before our eyes - in the name of 'the folk,' though it could never have happened in the name of God or humanity or the law! But it is the fact that actually the folk remain the folk, at least in a certain stratum of its being, the archaic; and people from Little Brassfitter's Alley and round about, people who voted the Social-Democratic ticket at the polls, are at the same time capable of seeing something demonic in the poverty of a little old woman who cannot afford a lodging above ground. They will clutch their children to them when she approaches, to save them from the evil eye. And if such an old should should have to burn again today, by no means an impossible prospect, were even a few things different, 'the folk' would stand and gape behind the barriers erected by the Mayor, but they would probably not rebel. . ."