Ours is a sensory world.
So many sources abound to entice.
Still this mortal marathon’s run.
The trick’s in
Pacing yourself.
Finishing’s more than the win.
Ears to see and eyes to hear.
Understand direction where to steer.
All the tender subtleties,
Every little nuance there.
Ears to see and eyes to hear.
Super-Sensory powers instilling fear.
Better than invisibility,
Leaping buildings,
Flying high.
Noise from all sides, all decibels,
Arresting every sensation possessed.
One step forward,
Two steps back.
How much can you take?
If doing the same thing over and over
Brings no change,
Will you do it once again?
I possess no bravery in matters
Any more than anyone else.
What do you think? Tell me at
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