Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Surprise . . .


One of my songs appears on Tunebat.com. I had no idea. What is Tunebat.com?  Well . . . 
Tunebat creates web apps used by music fans and creatives. Tunebat.com provides a database where users can browse millions of songs to find harmonic info such as key and BPM. Users can take advantage of Tunebat's search and analysis algorithms to discover new music, and get insights about their own music.

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                 Critic’s Choice

Monday, May 16, 2022

Mythology . . .


 (from https://theconversation.com/3-myths-about-the-poor-that-republicans-are-using-to-support-slashing-us-safety-net-89048)
". . . The first myth, that people who receive public benefits are “takers” rather than “makers,” is flatly untrue for the vast majority of working-age recipients. . . Consider Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits, formerly known as food stamps, which currently serve about 42 million Americans. At least one adult in more than half of SNAP-recipient households are working. And the average SNAP subsidy is $125 per month, or $1.40 per meal – hardly enough to justify quitting a job. . . As for Medicaid, nearly 80 percent of adults receiving Medicaid live in families where someone works, and more than half are working themselves. . . (former) House Speaker Paul Ryan said, “We have a welfare system that’s trapping people in poverty and effectively paying people not to work.”. . . Not true. Welfare – officially called Temporary Assistance to Needy Families – has required work as a condition of eligibility since then-President Bill Clinton signed welfare reform into law in 1996. And the earned income tax credit, a tax credit for low- and moderate-income workers, by definition, supports only people who work.
Workers apply for public benefits because they need assistance to make ends meet. American workers are among the most productive in the world, but over the last 40 years the bottom half of income earners have seen no income growth. As a result, since 1973, worker productivity has grown almost six times faster than wages. . . In addition to wage stagnation, most Americans are spending more than one-third of their income on housing, which is increasingly unaffordable. There are 11 million renter households paying more than half their income on housing. And there is no county in America where a minimum wage worker can afford a two-bedroom home. Still, only 1 in 4 eligible households receive any form of government housing assistance. . . "


- The Beatles

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Sunday, May 15, 2022

Funniest . . .

Headline (that I've seen in a while)

". . . Sean Spicer Blasts Jen Psaki’s Farewell Publicity Tour: ‘This Is So Unethical and Wrong’. . ."
Rob Bluey / @RobertBluey / May 09, 2022

Make 'Em Laugh
(1952): Full Song & Dance - Donald O'Connor - 
Musical Romantic Comedy - 1950s Movies

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No Frills by Ray Jozwiak
                         No Frills

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Super . . .

Should every man yield to the yearning unashamed
Without hypocrisy and wastefulness;
Squander the strength he’s been endowed with;
Feign superiority as tunnel vision’s all he sees?

I’m trying to develop a superman;
Dionysus evolving into perfect humanity.

Gadding about helping each other get along
Won’t make us build the kind of man I see.
Inferiors are weak copies of betters
Printed on bad paper from old and worn-out plates now gone.

Selection, survivors mastering;
Bettering the species, irrespective of
Everything you’ve ever learned
About what’s right or wrong.

You hear the word, you’re quoting scripture that you learned
Originating from a deity.
But should that motivate your actions?
Such self-serving rewarding scheme.
Yours or mine, that’s what both seem.

©2021 Raymond M. Jozwiak
from 'GRAINS' coming June 7th

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Friday, May 13, 2022

Sing . . .

. . . along
Every hair upon your head
Has got to be in place for the camera.
Every place you happen to be
The people stare.

Cause, you are not the main attraction.
But oh, how you wanted to be.

Don’t equate each little thing
That happened in the past to the present.
Don’t expect each person to see
The things you see.

Do you ever think of anyone else?
Does concern come crossing your mind?
There’s enough conceit under your own belt
To last a lifetime.

If your dreams should ever come true,
I’ll see that spiteful face on the cover
Of a tabloid where the headline reads,
“She wants to be . . . “

Nothing but the main attraction.
But oh, how you wanted to be.

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Thursday, May 12, 2022

Regarding . . .

. . . the (totally UN-musical) pandemic . . . 

(from 'Afterward' [January 2021] to The Great Influenza by John M. Barry)
". . . For those who argue that what succeeded in such countries as South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan had much to do with culture and that such compliance was bound to fail in more individualistic Western countries, one should consider Australia, which as every bit as Western and individualistic a culture as the United States. At this writing, Australia has 909 deaths. The U.S. population is thirteen times that of Australia, so that would equal fewer than 12,000 deaths in the United States. At this writing the United States has nearly 400,000 deaths, is averaging over 3,000 daily, and is projected to reach 500,000 deaths on or about March 1, 2021. . . It is the same virus in both countries. Both countries have the same tools. The difference is leadership. . ."

Where You Lead I Will Follow
- Carole King

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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Purchasing Power . . .

So I said,
I've got a roof o'er my head.
Some people can't even say the same thing.
But it's still not a fact
I can take any comfort in.
I want more to make up my legacy.
I'm not poor but everybody's telling me

Money can't buy everything.
You've heard it time again.
No money can't buy happiness.
When will you learn this fact of life my friend?

So I said,
I've got my very own bed.
I don't give it much thought
When I lay down my head.
But it's cold and it's lonely
In December on the street.
Why do you tell me these kinds of things.
I want more of luxuries that wealth can bring.

I want to be a squire a king a country gentleman
If I can if I can.
I want to get respect for what I have 
And not for what I am, 
Just a man, just a man.

So I said,
It's more than daily bread
That I'm talking about.
Can't you hear what I said?
You see, everything changes 
But we have to admit,
What exists needs to be recognized,
Not merely out of our fear of being duly chastised.

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            Ambience & Wine