Thursday, May 13, 2021

Big . . .

 . . . lie. Big issue. Big principle . . . 

". . . Trump’s minions at the state level “are focused on giving themselves the power to legally get away with in 2024 what the courts would not let them get away with in 2020.” . . . tell me how American democracy will ever be the same again and how these people can be trusted to cede power the next time they win the White House. . . tell me how America can ever again be a credible observer and upholder of democratic elections around the world — so vital to our national security and the hopes and dreams of democrats in all these countries who look to America as a beacon of democracy and the rule of law. The next time we want to question election results in Russia or Iran or Poland or Hungary . . . They’ll say: “Listen to you? Your Republican Party turned a blind eye to a guy who told the biggest election lie in the history of the Milky Way Galaxy. And it wasn’t even in the service of some urgent, compelling policy. It was just so he could stay in power, salve his ego and deny he lost.”. . . "

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              Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak

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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Rethinking . . .

. . . democracy

". . . “Open democracy,” (scholar Hélène Landemore, a professor of political science at Yale) Landemore’s coinage, does not center on elections of professional politicians into representative roles. Leadership is instead determined by a method roughly akin to jury duty (not jury selection): every now and then, your number comes up, and you’re obliged to do your civic duty—in this case, to take a seat on a legislative body. For a fixed period, it is your job to work with the other people in the unit to solve problems and direct the nation. When your term is up, you leave office and go back to your normal life and work. “It’s the idea of putting randomly selected citizens into political power, or giving them some sort of political role on a consultative body or a citizens’ assembly,” said Alexander Guerrero, a professor of philosophy at Rutgers who, in 2014, published an influential paper arguing for random selection in place of elections—a system with some precedents in ancient Athens and Renaissance Italy which he dubbed “lottocracy.” . . . "

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                               Put A Finger On It

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Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Toss It . . .

Six AM,
The buses aren't nearly as crowded
As the night before.
Someone said there was
Music and laughter 
Behind all the shutters and doors.
What was all of it for?

Who needs friends?
There's barely a minute for breathing.
Everyone here works so hard.
There's no party.
When I reach my doorstep
I struggle to pull out my key.
Where's the meaning for me?

You see but you're unaware
There's life on the other side.
But there's no bridge to cross.
I'm looking through the fog
For some way out of here.
I've baggage here to toss.

Bless my soul!
I've read about you in the paper.
I've seen your picture somewhere.
When you speak it's in volumes and volumes.
I can't hear a word that you say.
Funny it happens that way.

I've been told 
That envy's the thing I've been feeling
For your kind of work and your play.
But to tell you the truth
That it's only a wish 
For a new kind of day,
When worry and fear melt away.

Could be 
That a day will come
When you just might understand.

I’d like to go away.
And go there to stay.
But I can’t find the way.

So it goes,
But change never really comes easy.
Resistance is felt all around. 
But inevitably something happens
That makes the old ship run aground.
We all stare in awe of what’s found.

Like me you appear to be
Looking for some meaning here.

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Monday, May 10, 2021

Blue or Brown? . . .

(from Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson)
". . . after the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., and the turmoil that followed beyond the cornfields that surrounded them, Jane Elliott decided she needed to do something out of the ordinary to teach her dominant-caste students how if felt to be judged on the basis of an arbitrary physical trait - the color of their eyes. She announced to the children that they would do things differently that day. She laid out arbitrary stereotypes for a neutral trait that, for now, in her classroom, would put a student with that trait in essentially the lowest caste. She told the children that brown-eyed people are not as good as blue-eyed people, that they are slower than blue-eyed people, not as smart as blue-eyed people, that, until she said otherwise, the brown-eyed students would not be allowed to drink from the water fountain, that they had to use paper cups instead. . . "If you do that with a whole group of people for a lifetime," she said, "you change them psychologically. You convince (some) that they are superior, that they are perfect, that they have the right to rule and you convince (others)that they are less than. If you do that for a lifetime, what do you suppose that does to them?" . . . "

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Sunday, May 9, 2021

Fix. . .

 . . . Don't hate your country.  FIX it!

". . . The Christian Coalition took off during Bill Clinton’s presidency, when the religious right engaged locally because it felt shut out of national power. Clearly some conservatives think that opposition to critical race theory could be the seed of something similar. Telling parents that liberals want to make their kids hate their country and feel guilty for being white might be absurd and cynical. It also looks like it might be effective. . ."

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No Frills by Ray Jozwiak
                         No Frills

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Saturday, May 8, 2021

Voce . . .

It makes me think of all the beautiful music I've heard.
And brings to mind a kind of paradise.
It just may be some kind of wonderland magic to me.
Still don't know how this fortune came to me.
Somehow it had to be. 

When I hear the sound of your voice,
Music fills the air and I float away.

If feels to me like warmth from sitting in front of a fire.
Light of my life you always show the way.
Gleam in your eye, a spark igniting the fire inside,
Burning so bright the way I feel for you.
It's like a dream come true.

All of my being depends upon you, 
That's for sure. 
You're my refuge in a stormy sea. 
The sun above that shines on me.
I thought that love such as this could be found
Only in movies.
Just like searching for a pot of gold, 
Follow the rainbow and do what you're told.

Just when you think it's all been said and it's been done before,
Should I explain how you're affecting me?
It's not control it's more an influence over my soul,
Covering all like colors brilliantly;
Canvas, brush, palette, three.

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              Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak

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Friday, May 7, 2021

Big . . .


". . . Joe Biden’s American Family Plan . . . (will) deliver huge, indeed transformational benefits to millions. . . affordable child care, universal pre-K and paid leave for new parents . . . Republicans always claim that raising taxes on the rich will destroy jobs, they have never yet been right. . . employment in California boomed after Jerry Brown raised taxes on the wealthy in 2012, defying conservative declarations that the state was committing economic suicide. . . many high-tax, high-benefit countries are quite successful at creating jobs. . . taxes don’t visibly kill jobs — but lack of child care does. . . And if these plans improve life for millions of Americans, will anyone besides professional ideologues care if they’re “big government”?. . ."

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