Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Nutshell . . .

(from https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-biggest-accomplishments-and-failures-heading-into-2020-2019-12#failure-contracting-covid-19-14)
Accomplishment: Reshaping the federal judiciary. . . 
Accomplishment: Space Force . . . a $738 billion defense spending bill . . . In many ways, the new branch is simply a more centralized version of military missions in space that already existed from the Air Force, Army, and Navy. . . 
Accomplishment: Tax reform . . . It permanently slashed the corporate tax rate to 21% from 35% while also providing temporary benefits for individuals and their families. . . Critics argued it was a windfall for massive corporations at the expense of the middle class. Meanwhile, supporters of the tax cuts contended it would unleash an economic bonanza. . . But the law has achieved none of the ambitious goals that Republicans put forward — and there are scant signs they ever will. . . 
Accomplishment: First Step Act . . . to address mass incarceration at the federal level. . .
Accomplishment: Defeating ISIS's caliphate and killing Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi . . . Trump has at times falsely claimed that ISIS is totally defeated, embellishing the extent of the US military's success against the terrorist organization during his presidency. . . it's still estimated to have up to 18,000 fighters in Iraq and Syria. . .
Failure: Charlottesville and George Floyd . . . 
Failure: America's global image is in shambles . . . 
Failure: Family separations and the deaths of migrant children . . .
Failure: Iran, Syria, and Afghanistan . . . Meanwhile, The New York Times in June reported that US intelligence officials determined Russia has paid bounties to Taliban-linked Afghan militants to kill US troops. . . The Trump administration has taken no known responses. . . 
Failure: Replacing the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare)
Failure: Impeachment
Failure: COVID-19 pandemic
Failure: The US economy
Failure: Contracting COVID-19

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Monday, November 9, 2020

By Any Other Name . . .

(from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gonzo#:~:text=1%20%3A%20of%2C%20relating%20to%2C,2%20informal)
 Definition of gonzo

1of, relating to, or being a style of journalism marked by a lack of objectivity due to the writer's immersion in the subject and often participation in the activity being documentedgonzo journalismgonzo journalist
aoutlandishly unconventional, outrageous, or extremegonzo comedian
bvery strange or unusual BIZARREgonzo notions


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Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

              Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Riding . . .

High in the saddle or high on the hog,
These expressions get tedious, get me lost in the fog.
Speak your voice in the open, profits none if you're hiding.
When you're honestly being, it's as easy as riding.

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Friday, November 6, 2020

Enough . . .

(from https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgxwKjKqwnCmKpSrWfvRzLXddQGrT) 
". . . “Whatever the final vote, it is already clear that the number of Americans saying, ‘Enough is enough’ was not enough,” said Dov Seidman, an expert on leadership and author of the book “How: Why How We Do Anything Means Everything.”. . . “There was no blue political wave,” he noted. “But, more importantly, there was no moral wave. There was no widespread rejection of the kind of leadership that divides us, especially in a pandemic.”. . . We are a country with multiple compound fractures, and so we simply cannot do anything ambitious anymore — like put a man on the moon — because ambitious things have to be done together. We can’t even come together to all wear masks in a pandemic, when health experts tell us it would absolutely save lives. It would be so simple, so easy and so patriotic to say, “I protect you and you protect me.” And yet, we can’t do it. . ."

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Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Rounding . . .

. . . the turn towards the END . . . 

from Proverbs 27:2
"Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips."

from Donald Trump
"I would give myself an A+."

"We have triumphed over evil like nobody has seen before."

"Sometimes you have to toot your own horn because nobody else is going to do it."

"That just shows when you get good ratings, you can say anything."

What do you think? Tell me at

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

              Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Stakes . . .

. . . are high . . . 

". . . historically “America’s intent, if not always its practice, has been to exhort not extort other nations; to export not exploit; to collaborate not dominate; and to strengthen a global system of rules and norms, not overturn it in order to focus exclusively on its own enrichment. . . “Four more years of Trump’s America, and no one will have cause to give us the benefit of any doubt. The disillusionment will be shattering to our standing and influence — and only when we are received around the world as Russians or Chinese will we know what we have lost, for good.”. . ."

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Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings
Another Shot by Ray Jozwiak
            Another Shot

For all things Gonzo, please visit:
Ray Jozwiak - www.amazon.com
The Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano Website
The Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano You Tube Channel

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