Saturday, December 30, 2017

Tutti Fruitti . . .

262,000 results appear in GOOGLE if you search "making tutti fuitti music in a chocolate & vanilla world".

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Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and

Friday, December 29, 2017

Walk A Mile . . .

. . . in his shoes before you judge (a person). . . Many foreign policy problems would be eliminated if this proverb was sincerely put into practice. . .

(from - way back in 2005)
". . . "It's not clear how well Putin understands the controversy that led to the dismissal of four CBS journalists over the discredited report on Bush's National Guard service. Yet it's all too clear how Putin sees the relationship between Bush and the American media -- just like his own. Bush's aides have long feared that former KGB officers in Putin's inner circle are painting a twisted picture of U.S. policy. So Bush explained how he had no power to fire American journalists. It made little difference. When the two presidents emerged for their joint press conference, one Russian reporter repeated Putin's language about journalists getting fired. Bush (already hot after an earlier question about his spying on U.S. citizens) asked the reporter if he felt free. . ."

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Tell me at  or at 

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Pursuit . . .

At the risk of being redundant, I am mercilessly pursuing a final version of Merciless. This particular edition contains forays into the verse/mid-section looking for the right chords and not finding many of them and ends inconclusively. The first chorus-verse-chorus section is holding together. Trying to evoke a gospel-inflected vibe. Good things come to those who wait.

©2017 Raymond M. Jozwiak

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at 

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Brushing . . .

. . . up for New Year's Eve . . .

Sunday, December 31st, 2017
Early New Year's Eve Party with OHO - 4:00PM
Coastal Highway & 116th Street
Ocean City, MD 21842
Price: no cover
Enjoy Chef Barry's cajun-inflected cuisine and the folk/prog/jazz/rock/pop of Baltimore's iconic OHO before 2018 arrives.

Or have a great meal with some infectious music and get to bed early.

Third-Hand Intelligence
by OHO (Jay Graboski, David Reeve & Ray Jozwiak)

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at 

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Ringing Again . . .

OHO - Live
Sunday, December 31st, 2017
Early New Year's Eve Party with OHO - 4:00PM
Coastal Highway & 116th Street
Ocean City, MD 21842
Price: no cover
Enjoy Chef Barry's cajun-inflected cuisine and the folk/prog/jazz/rock/pop of Baltimore's iconic OHO before 2018 arrives. . .Or have a great meal with some infectious music and get to bed early.

Around, around, Companions all, take your ground, And name the bell with joy profound! Concordia is the world we've found Most meet to express the harmonious sound, That calls to those in friendship bound.
-Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller Quotes , Source: Song of the Bell

Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow.
-Lord Alfred Tennyson Quotes , Source: In Memoriam (pt. CVI)

The bells themselves are the best of preachers, Their brazen lips are learned teachers, From their pulpits of stone, in the upper air, Sounding aloft, without crack or flaw, Shriller than trumpets under the Law, Now a sermon and now a prayer.
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Quotes , Source: Christus--The Golden Legend (pt. III)

Softly the loud peal dies, In passing winds it drowns, But breathes, like perfect joys, Tender tones.
-Frederick Tennyson Quotes , Source: The Bridal

How soft the music of those village bells, Falling at interval upon the ear In cadence sweet; now dying all away, Now pealing loud again, and louder still, Clear and sonorous, as the gale comes on! With easy force it opens all the cells Where Memory slept.
-William Cowper Quotes , Source: Task (bk. VI, l. 6)

The vesper bell from far That seems to mourn for the expiring day.
-Dante ("Dante Alighieri") Quotes , Source: Purgatorio (canto 8, l. 6)

OHO live at Millstone Cellars, Novermber 2017

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at 

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and

Monday, December 25, 2017

Just One More . . .

. . . reason to stop going to church . . .

". . . Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler has asked state lawmakers to let handgun owners bring their weapons to worship, saying he wants congregations to be able to defend themselves against a mass shooting like the one that happened last month in Texas. . . Gahler backs a proposal that would let parishioners who have the written permission of church officials wear and carry a handgun on church property. The parishioner would need a state handgun license, but not a concealed-carry permit. . ."

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at 

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and

Sunday, December 24, 2017

You Ask . . .

. . .  how does an atheist pray? . . .

This Christmas, I pray that the struggle over the “true meaning” of the holiday is wiped away, replaced by the desire to honor what Christmas means to you and not to your neighbors.
I pray that we as a nation can learn to put aside the party lines and shields of segregation to leave the world better than we found it.
I pray that we as a race can learn to prosper without greed, without indifference.
I pray that the good times outweigh the bad, and that we enter the lives of those we are lucky enough to encounter with the grace and respect that everyone deserves, regardless of their status, regardless of our creed.
I pray we wake up one day with the recognition that – black or white, rich or poor, religious or not – we all want the same things, even if we disagree on how best to achieve them.
I pray that those who need shelter will find it.
I pray that those in pain will find an end to suffering.
I pray for peace.
I pray for hope.
Most of all, I pray that tomorrow will be better than it was today.
For all of us.


©2017 Raymond M. Jozwiak

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at 

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and