Sunday, November 11, 2012

Fast. . .

 . . . four. . . and it ain't a CAR. . .

 My Farfisa Fast Four and Leslie 145 were setup in a prominent location in the den of our apartment for quick and easy access.  Truth is, I'm not sure if I even played once a week at that time. But I was building my vinyl record album collection of my favorite jazz cats during the period and joyfully and effortlessly soaking in their music as often as I could.  My Coltrane, Dolphy, Adderly and McLean collections grew with much less reliance on the old Tull, Gentle Giant and Yes for musical satisfaction.  The library incorporated the musical tastes of my significant other as well, sometimes not so willingly or graciously on my part though.   

My technique and creativity suffered during this period.  Whenever I played, generally on Sunday afternoons (I now can't believe it was that seldom), I ran through the same several bebop arrangements of standards that I had learned from or through my elementary-school friend Bob. I was grateful for Bob's influence which led me into the direction of jazz, that combined with my exposure to a superb collection of jazz, vinyl LPs at the college radio station where I worked during my undergraduate years.

But much like a car, this instrument (probably now a collector's item) was worth very little upon trade-in.

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Friday, November 9, 2012

Holy. . .

. . . MOLEY!!!!. . .
". . . Robert Murray, the chief executive of Ohio-based coal provider Murray Energy Corporation's "PRAYER" . . .

“The American people have made their choice. They have decided that America must change its course, away from the principals of our Founders. And, away from the idea of individual freedom and individual responsibility. Away from capitalism, economic responsibility, and personal acceptance.”

He concluded by asking God for forgiveness for the layoff decisions.

“Lord, please forgive me and anyone with me in Murray Energy Corporation for the decisions that we are now forced to make to preserve the very existence of any of the enterprises that you have helped us build. We ask for your guidance in this drastic time with the drastic decisions that will be made to have any hope of our survival as an American business enterprise.”

Several companies made headlines before the presidential election Tuesday for insinuating that they would fire workers if Romney was not elected. . . "

. . . and delivery us from our conscience, social responsibility, and any other worthwhile humanity-related attribute for thine is the boardroom, forever and ever HEYYYY MANNN!!!!!!

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I'm gonna build. . .

. . . my world around you. . .

Many times have arisen
When there seemed to be
So many questions
That deep in my gut
Were a churning unease
And through those
Soul-searching times
I simply made up my mind

I'm gonna build
I'm gonna build my
I'm gonna build my world
Around you
Around you

Every place that I go
Every sight that I see
The different faces
I so often meet
Or so they seem
I think how
It could all be
Much better
If you're here with me

I'm gonna build
I'm gonna build my
I'm gonna build my world
Around you
Around you

When I stop
Look all around me
All isn't well
Things that I see people do
Things they say
Shouldn't be quite that way
And better people than me
Try to change what they see

I'm gonna build
I'm gonna build my
I'm gonna build my world
Around you
Around you

My World
©2010 Raymond M. Jozwiak

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Now that. . .

. . . the election is finally over.  One estimate said the presidential campaigns costs a combined total of $2.5 billion.  I don't know why people brush off billions whenever I ask about saving such sums as the campaign expense.  I know the national deficit is in trillions but, as Senator Everett McKinley Dirksen said, “A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you're talking real money."  The campaign expenses are particularly irksome to me because they are purely showbiz.  Dispensing facts to the general public in print or online, for example, would be infinitely less expensive than the hateful and reality-challenged television ads the two major candidates ran. 

And though we are left with a president who exhibits some leaning toward integrity, albeit not fully realized when applicable to the U.S. (and world also, for that matter) citizenry, and not with one who not only ignores the needs of the preponderance of the planet's population but also lives in a fantasy, pre-scientific world landscaped with hundred-dollar bills (or are they thousands?) - I don't really think all our problems are solved. 

Which leads me back to Rocky (Anderson, that is):  ". . . The government is shafting the people of this country. It doesn’t matter which party is the majority, they’re all feeding at the same trough of special interest money and we, the American people, are suffering from it. We’re in the midst of a new Gilded Age, with a greater disparity between income and wealth since the 1920s and the highest poverty rates since 1965. It’s as if all the gains of the war on poverty have disappeared. That along with our outrageous healthcare system, including Obamacare, results in incredible suffering, including the loss of tens if not hundreds of thousands of lives every year. . ."

So even though the election is over, there is still much work to be done.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Peace . . .

The Palestinian president's recent comments on the refugee issue got a rise out of both Palestinians and Israelis.  The long-forgotten prospect of peace negotiations re-entered the Israeli consciousness while Palestinians branded their leader a traitor.

Abbas was asked about his birthplace of Safed  and his response included remarks to the effect that he does not claim the right to live there.  The President's advisor said he was being "realistic" by making such statements.   Bringing back 5.5 million Palestinian refugees is certainly not realistic.

Disappointment was felt by Palestinians that their leader made an overture to Israel without any reciprocation.   Some went so far as to say Abbas is a failure.

Comments of the like, of course, prompted a little two-stepping with additional comments that what he said was a personal position and it did not mean conceding the right of return.

Political opponent Hamas completely rejects the idea of negotiation and believe that only violence will gain what Palestinians desire.

Cool reaction from Netanyahu In Israel, officials debated how serious Abbas was. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and members of his Cabinet reacted coolly, even mistrustfully, to Abbas' remarks.

And complicating the issue with an uncharacteristic burst of honesty, Israel lately admitted killing a deputy of late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.  Thank goodness Israeli moderates view these developments as a chance to negotiate with a person they consider a partner for peacemaking.

The world can only hope that this could at long last revive the prospect of peace in the area.
(Source:  NBC News)

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The flower always dies eventually
Despite your noble efforts to preserve it the fact remains
You water and you nurture lovingly
Displaying all its beauty so that everyone can see
It's not for me alone
All beauty lasts but temporarily

If only things you love could always be
This would be a perfect world right here and now
No need to grieve
But wishes are the stuff of children's dreams
And we all know that dreams are gone
Before the dawning of another day
All beauty lasts but temporarily

It can just disappear without a warning at all
And no matter how hard you try to understand
You won't

Like many of this life's anomalies
Such beauty and such desolation
Side by side can be
It doesn't become easier with time
All the experience in this world
Can't relieve the ache we feel
All beauty lasts but temporarily

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Tired. . .

. . . of talk about elections, campaigns, lies, exaggeration, unwarranted emotional appeals, polls, pleas, money, news, pundits, editorials, presidential candidates, voting machines, small business, taxes, rich,  job makers, entitlements, terrorists, embassies, security. . . well you get the picture.

[Remember, vote early, vote often.]

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