Showing posts with label twelve. Show all posts
Showing posts with label twelve. Show all posts

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Twelve . . .

So many things I'd like to do;
So many places to see.
And I feel like
There's never enough
Time for anything else
That I might desire to undertake.
Something I'd like to pursue;
But the world's just spinning around;
Keeps me head and foot-bound
Don't know what to do.

Give me just twelve hours
To add to my day.
Keep all your wealth and your money.
Take your fame and power for time.
Just give me twelve hours.

Time isn't cheap.
You pay so dearly.
I'm trying to make every minute count;
Penny count.

Spending my time seems like all I do.
Can't save up for rainy days.
Can't invest in an instrument to
Earn satisfaction to draw from.
When far-in-the future, I need to feel
Just what my value has been.
There's no interest that's coming or due.
Dividends are so precious and few.
Don't know what to do.

What do you think? Tell me at

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Twelve . . .

. . . more hours . . .

So many things I'd like to do
So many places to see
And I feel like
There's never enough
Time for anything else
That I might desire to undertake
Something I'd like to purse
But the world's just spinning around
Keeps me head and foot-bound
Don't know what to do

Give me just twelve hours
To add to my day
Keep all your wealth and your money
Take your fame and power
For time just give me twelve hours

Time isn't cheap
You pay so dearly
I'm trying to make every minute count
Penny count

Spending my time seem like all i do
Can't save up for rainy days
Can't invest in
An instrument to
Earn satisfaction to draw from
When far-in-the future I need to feel
Just what my value has been
There's no interest that's coming or due
Dividends are so precious and few
Don't know what to do

Give me just twelve hours
To add to my day
Keep all your wealth and your money
Take your fame and power
For time just give me twelve hours

Twelve Hours
© 2012 Raymond M. Jozwiak
from Black & White Then Back

What do you think?
Tell me at

My latest release, Black & White Then Back,
can be downloaded digitally at:
Ray Jozwiak: Black & White Then Back

(or you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Twelve more hours. . .

So many things I'd like to do
So many places to see
And I feel like there's never enough
Time for anything else that I
Might have desire to undertake
Something I'd like to pursue
But the world's just spinning around
Keeps me head and foot-bound
Don't know what to do

Give me just
Twelve hours
To add
To my day
Keep all your
Wealth and your
Take your fame and power
Just give me
Twelve hours
Twelve hours
Twelve hours

Time isn't cheap
You pay so dearly
I'm trying to make
Every minute count
Penny count

Spending my time seems like all I do
Can't save up for rainy days
Can't invest in an instrument to
Earn satisfaction to draw from when
Far in the future I need to feel
Just what my value has been
There's no interest that's coming or due
Dividends are so precious and few
Don't know what to do

Give me just
Twelve hours
To add
To my day
Keep all your
Wealth and your
Take your fame and power
Just give me
Twelve hours
Twelve hours
Twelve hours

Twelve Hours
©2011 Raymond M. Jozwiak

What do YOU think?

Download your
very own copy of
by Ray Jozwiak
Ray Jozwiak: Another Shot

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Twelve GOOD what?. . .

. . . I'm not talking about the jury in the famous play and movie. I'm not talking about the twelve sons of Jacob or the followers of Jesus. Not 12 bad habits that hold good people back, not twelve good men and true. . .

No. I heard a politician on the radio this morning refer to the Congressional "'Super Committee' as twelve GOOD people who worked hard" to reduce the deficit. Almost FOUR months! And NO DEAL! COME ON!!!

Now the final insult from our public servants. No deal after all this time, fuss and their refusal to take the well being of their constituents seriously. And the same, one, big, clear point of disagreement remains - TAXES!!

And even the rich people that the Republicans refuse to tax WANT to take on the extra burden. (See the news last week.)

I URGE the "Occupy" groups to take on this one issue and I'll be specific about how I think it should be done. Here's your chance to show the world that you DO HAVE AN AGENDA. What better way to help the 99% than by removing the 1% from power. My suggestion. . .

Occupy Washington DC and recall the ENTIRE CONGRESS. WHO NEEDS THESE PEOPLE to continue pretending to serve us? We certainly don't.

What do YOU think?

Download your
very own copy of
by Ray Jozwiak
Ray Jozwiak: Another Shot

Please Visit

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