Showing posts with label issuue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label issuue. Show all posts

Monday, July 22, 2013

Issues. . .

Journalist William Rivers Pitt, in his article called the recent controversy (I call it 'stink') about Rolling Stone magazine's cover featuring alleged terrorist Dzhohkar Tsarnaev the "outrage du jour", which indeed it is.

I'm no journalist mind you, but I must say he expressed the same thoughts that crossed my mind when this developed. The two major points that he (and I) make are that- 1. the fact that the young man is honestly handsome makes the situation seem all the worse to those up in arms;  and 2. there are so many other more important issues that we should be upset about that this is, in truth, a non-issue.

Then in his usual eloquence, Mr. Pitt lists some of those other things like Harry Reid's recent attempt to change the senate filibuster rules, recent abortion legislation in several states,  the Trayvon Martin shooting, Syria, Egypt and the NSA etc. to which I might add big business in politics, the 1%, the banking system, gun laws (related to Trayvon Martin and others) etc. etc.

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