Showing posts with label house. Show all posts
Showing posts with label house. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

This is very exciting. . .

. . . well, let me be specific. . .

I am printing from the third floor of my house, to a wireless printer in the basement from my laptop. Exciting for some, pretty damned mundane for others. In my case though, installing, setting up, finding drivers, enabling and ALL THAT STUFF do not come easily or naturally. So, well, YES. It is exciting. . . for me.

So as I sit here around 6AM thinking I MUST WRITE SOMETHING on this blog, I am consumed with trying to make this wireless printer work. Stumbled upon something in System Preferences and realized that the word 'driver' has not appeared during this process. Now it looks like I am loading drivers and, and, and -- YES!!! I printed. Or rather IT printed. Success. Ah how sweet!!

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Nothing. . .

. . . is easy.

The late comedian Morey Amsterdam used to say that nothing is impossible, except getting toothpaste back into the tube and getting off a mailing list. I don’t know about getting off of a mailing list, but my wife proved to me that it is NOT impossible to get toothpaste back into the tube. Way back before we were married, when I first heard Morey’s line, I used it quite frequently in conversation. My wife ‘to-be’ said that she thought that the back-end of the toothpaste tube could be opened, and the toothpaste could be returned to the tube using a spoon or a table knife, then re-sealed. She actually tested her hypothesis with successful results. The ‘guinea pig’ tube of replaced toothpaste was caste in plastic for the ages and made into a paperweight, which she still has to this day, many years later I might add. Of course the mailing list is a different animal that has now evolved into a cyber-being. I’ve had mixed results with attempting to disengage myself from these things, so I guess it’s not really impossible, just difficult, and certainly not consistent.

But no matter where you stand on these crucial issues of the day, in the end I think we can all agree that nothing is easy. At least most things aren’t. Most certainly those substantial ones, like raising children, working full-time, buying a house, getting a job (for many these days), having a civil discussion on your political views with one of the other ‘camp’, maintaining calm while driving on the highway, reconciling your spirituality with the world, maintaining a happy marriage, dying and marketing your music on the internet . . . ARE ALL ANYTHING BUT EASY!

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by Ray Jozwiak
Ray Jozwiak: Another Shot

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