Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Stink . . .

. . . and stinkers . . .  

". . . the Bannon business model: Flood the zone. Stink up the joint. As Jonathan Rauch once said, citing Bannon's infamous quote, "This is not about persuasion: This is about disorientation.". . . So, with that in mind, here's what Bannon did: He streamed his arrival at an FBI field office, to turn himself in, on his GETTR account. He told his fans to "stay focused and stay on message" despite the "noise" of his indictment. He proclaimed that "we're taking down the Biden regime." He used the scene for all the publicity, and presumably political donations, that it was worth. . . Inside the courtroom, Bannon was "a lot different," according the CNN's Evan Perez, who added that he "answered respectfully to the judge when the judge advised him of his rights." But after his appearance in court, Bannon came back outside to the cameras; vowed to fight the criminal contempt of Congress charges; claimed that Democrats "took on the wrong guy this time;" and said "we're going to go on the offense." He told Vice's Elizabeth Landers that he "100 percent" plans to continue podcasting: "They'll never shut down The War Room.". . . That's how he floods the zone -- by spinning lies for his podcast "posse" on a daily basis -- and by attracting outside and outsized attention. Throughout the day on Monday, I noticed journalists and social media commenters wrestling with this issue. As Charlie Warzel said in 2019, "content creation and shamelessness" is a "potent combination." That's even more true today...". . . "

That Smell

- Lynyrd Skynyrd

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