Sunday, September 5, 2021

Order . . .

". . . We have heard about the “death of the album” for quite some time now. In consumption terms, this is partly true. Across all demographics, albums have lost their dominance over singles and playlists as the primary listening format. Both physical and digital albums sales are down too. To account for our new listening habits, the music industry now considers 1500 streams or 10 digital downloads the equivalent of one album copy purchase. . . While these stats may seem like reasons NOT to make an album, the opposite is true. Albums can still move an artist's career forward without selling a single copy. Take Chance the Rapper. He built his reputation for remaining unsigned to a major record label and dropping his mixtapes online for free. Many of the biggest names in rap today followed a similar pattern. . . With albums no longer a sales driver, artists can use the format more freely to make their statement and earn credibility. In 2013, Boards of Canada delighted fans with a bizarre scavenger hunt leading to the live-stream of their fourth album Tomorrow’s Harvest. And Both Frank Ocean and Beyonce have put out recentish albums with conceptual video pieces attached to them. . . Albums tell the story of an artist or group at a specific moment in time that one or two singles cannot. Think of a recent album you really enjoyed listening to. Would it have been as impactful released as a slew of singles over the course of a year? Probably not. . . When it comes time to release your long-form music project, one thing that definitely needs to be considered is its sequencing—i.e. the ordering of songs to create a compelling narrative and flow. This is where albums have a leg up over playlists. . . "

World Order in New York

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