Monday, March 15, 2021

Believe . . .

(from Disloyal: The True Story of the Former Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump, by Michael Cohen)
". . . he closed his eyes, faking piety, and gave the appearance of feeling God's presence as the assembled group called for guidance in determining the fate and fortune of Donald Trump, America, and the message of Jesus Christ. . . If you knew Trump, as I did, the vulgarian salivating over beauty contestants or mocking Roger Stone's propensity for desiring the male sexual organ in his mouth, as he would say less politely, you would have a hard time keeping a straight face at the sight of him affecting the serious and pious mien of a man of faith. I know I could hardly believe the performance, or the fact that these folks were buying it. . . "Can you believe this bullshit?" Trump said (later), with incredulity, referring to the ritual and the evangelicals. "Can you believe people believe that bullshit?". . . "

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