Hey you down there on the ground
Don’t you think that it’s time
You should fly
And do you consider the cost
Of the pride that you wear
Like a smile
Take this moment
You’ve got here
You may not
Get another try
Sometimes only
One chance comes around
At a time
It’s two that’s the number required
For the dance that we do
To get by
A few drag you into the mire
But they’re strong
Many wiles they devise
Doomed if you don’t learn
Farce is what you earn from the tragedy
What have we to gain
By being stubborn?
What do you think? Tell me at
https://rayjozwiak.com or at
Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings
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You Tube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ray+jozwiak and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCddYvAMASspamahkMS5XKuw?view_as=subscriber
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