Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Stakes . . .

". . . The fate of Trump's presidency, his re-election hopes, the makeup of the next Congress and the ability of the three branches of government to check and balance power under the Constitution all hang in the balance as the Judiciary Committee opens its first hearing Wednesday. . ."

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

More Hours . . .

On and on flow the hours
Like rolling waves upon the sea
And like so many and so varied flowers
Each one some nectar for the bee

We're keeping tabs and writing numbers
Logging each minute in the book
We have a choice to
Either dread the counting
Or see the forest if we look

Store the knowledge
Hoard the wisdom
Take the years
And just run like crazy
Party’s only
What you make it
Make it into the
Best you can

There’s no protection from the power
Generated everyday
The blazing lights shine
From each lofty tower
To illuminate the way

Things that never occur to you
In the spring
Become clear with each
Passing season

All options must be on the table
All points of view be understood
And if you don’t do ev’ry thing you’re able
Make sure you do those which are good

The Hours
©2014 Raymond M. Jozwiak
latest mix of new OHO tune, in progress

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Devil. . .

. . . you say?

". . . Trump’s Christian critics don’t really care whether he leans more in the direction of predestination or free will; what troubles them is that he’s a pathological liar engaged in an effort to annihilate truth as a concept; a conspiracy-monger; and a misogynist and bully who dehumanizes his critics and mocks former prisoners of war, the parents of fallen soldiers, and people with disabilities. What upsets them is Trump’s open admiration for brutal dictators, including Kim Jung Un, who ranks among the worst persecutors of Christians in the world; his easy betrayal of everyone from his wives to allies like the Kurds; and his history of engaging in predatory sexual behavior. What alarms them is that we have a president who fans the flames of ethnic and racial hate, who is willing to pressure foreign nations to dig up dirt on his political opponents, and who was the subject of a nearly 500-page report by a special counsel offering a portrait that was damning and went unrefuted. . ."

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Change?. . .

(from The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley from 1965)
". . . The black man never can become independent and recognized as s human being who is truly equal with other human beings until he has what they have, and until he is doing for himself what others are doing for themselves. . . "

Saturday, November 30, 2019

There's More . . .

. . . and then there's Mondo Cane
Excess, pun intended, abounds
The trick, I reckon, to this dilemma
Is not becoming one of the hounds

We've mentioned oysters and complications
And we're not through yet you may rest assured
A word here, if you will, upon disparity 
Lest we all become inured

There's thems that got and thems that haven't
There's kind and nasty and in between
A saint, I'm not asking, to be's very tough
But 'allowing' in practice is still rarely seen

There's More
©2017 Raymond M. Jozwiak
(from the unreleased 'Phatso' collection of improvisations on Moog Phatty)

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Seriously . . .

. . . do you Really think this person is well???

". . . The president did not appear to be kidding. “You know, some people want to change the name ‘Thanksgiving,’” Trump told his followers, failing to identify who these “people” are. “They don’t want to use the term ‘Thanksgiving’, and that was true also with Christmas, but now everybody’s using ‘Christmas’ again. Remember, I said that? But now we’re going to have to do a little work on Thanksgiving.” . . . He added, “People have different ideas why it shouldn’t be called ‘Thanksgiving,’ but everybody in this room, I know, loves the name ‘Thanksgiving’ and we’re not changing it.”. . . Obviously, this is deeply foolish, even by Trump standards. At least when some on the right got hysterical about “Happy Holidays,” conservatives could point to actual examples of people and businesses using the inclusive phrase. There is no comparable effort to change Thanksgiving’s name. . .Trump just made it up. . ."

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