Showing posts with label republicans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label republicans. Show all posts

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Worse. . .

. . . than it looks?. . . is that possible?. . .

(from It's Even Worse Than It Looks [How the American Constitutional System Collided With The New Politics of Extremism] by Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein ©2012 Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein)
". . . The Problem is Mismatch
We believe a fundamental problem is the mismatch between parliamentary-style political parties-ideologically polarized, internally unified, vehemently oppositional, and politically strategic-that has emerged in recent years and a separation-of-powers system that makes it extremely difficult for majorities to work their will.  Students of comparative politics have demonstrated that the American policy-making system of checks and balances and separation of powers has more structural impediments to action than an other major democracy.  Now there are additional incentive for obstruction in that policy-making process.  Witness the Republicans' immense electoral success in 2010 after voting in unison against virtually every Obama initiative and priority, and making each vote and enactment contentious and excruciating, followed by major efforts to delegitimize the result. And because of the partisan nature of much of the media and reflexive tendency of many in the mainstream press to use false equivalence to explain outcomes, it becomes much easier for a minority, in this case the Republicans, to use filibusters, holds, and other techniques to obstruct. The status quo bias of the constitutional system becomes magnified under dysfunction and creates a take-no-prisoners political dynamic that gives new meaning to the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan's concept of "defining deviancy down.". . . "

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Monday, May 21, 2012

It really would be prudent . . .

. . . donchathink?

(from the Justice Party)
The cost of a college education is rising at an average rate of around 6% annually and is expected to grow at this rate for the foreseeable future. Total college loan debt now tops the $1 trillion mark. A college education validates itself in lifetime earnings, but paying off the debt can take decades to achieve. More and more, only the affluent can afford a higher education. Deserving middle-class and poor students are increasingly unable to follow their dreams.

While the Republicans and Democrats quibble about just how much debt college students should carry and at what interest rate, we believe that higher education should be funded as part of the public education system. Educating our citizens and future leaders without mortgaging their futures should be a top national priority.

"Government has an enormous role in education--and it has not been doing a good job in recent times. Funding for education, from pre-school through higher education, is essential if we are to break the cycle of poverty for millions of people in the U.S. and prepare our students to compete with students throughout the world. Just as government moved our nation forward by committing to provide free secondary education, so too should we commit to providing a higher education for capable students."
                        -- Rocky Anderson, Justice Party nominee for President

Flourishing democracies--and robust economies--require educated citizens. It is unfair for the next generation of young people to mortgage their futures so our society can benefit from their knowledge while they languish in debt.

Sign the petition for College Debt Independence!

The time is right to bring higher education into the public education system just as we have done with primary and secondary education.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

What's NOT to like?. . .

. . . if we continue to complain but don't vote our principles, nothing will EVER change. This guy is interesting. (I'm just sayin')

Rocky Anderson a progressive alternative to Obama
Former Salt Lake mayor says Democrats, Republicans sustain corrupt system
by Steven Higgs
December 14, 2011

Presidential candidate Rocky Anderson is running on the Justice Party ticket. He says Barack Obama has accepted more Wall Street money than any candidate in U.S. history.

Americans who feel betrayed by timid, capitulatory leadership from Democrats like President Barack Obama and Indiana Senate candidate Joe Donnelly now have a candidate to consider at the presidential level. On Dec. 12, 2011, former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson announced his candidacy on the Justice Party ticket and the next day laid out a cogent progressive agenda on Democracy Now!

"Although hailing from a solidly red state, Anderson has been known as one of the most progressive mayors of any major U.S. city in recent years," host Amy Goodman said in her introduction to the report. "During his two mayoral terms from 2000 to 2008, Anderson was an outspoken champion of LGBT rights, environmental sustainability and the antiwar movement in opposition to the Iraq War."

On both Democracy Now! and in a Dec. 12 article in The Guardian, the former Democrat embraced the Occupy Movement.

"There is clearly a convergence of interests regarding the concerns we have and the concerns of Occupy Wall Street," he told The Guardian. "There's little I've heard from the Occupy movement that I would disagree with, and I think there's little we support that they would disagree with."

The Justice Party is needed because the American political system is "corrupt" and "diseased," Anderson told Goodman.

"We know that the public interest is not being served by anyone in the system right now, particularly the two dominant parties who have sustained this corrupt system and who are sustained by it," he said.
"Just follow the money, and you’ll see why Congress and the White House are pursuing these policies that are so inimical to the interest of the American people." - Rocky Anderson

Obama's Kansas speech on income inequality last week was "total hypocrisy," Anderson said. The president has accepted more Wall Street money than any other candidate in history, and he is surrounded by alumni from Goldman Sachs.

"All any of us have to do is look at our pension plans, our 401(k) accounts, and we can see the direct impacts of this economic disaster, brought to us through, by and large, these criminal acts committed by these Wall Street firms and their employees," he said. "And not one of them has been brought to justice under the Obama administration."

Anderson compared Obama's Wall Street contributions and subsequent timidity to his relationship with polluters, from whom he took money and then vetoed EPA efforts to strengthen air quality standards.

"We know that’s not in the public interest," he said. "President Obama has to know that’s not in the public interest. He’s serving the interest of those polluting industries."

The corrupting influence of money from the medical insurance industry is the reason America is the only country in the industrialized world without a single-payer health care system, Anderson added.

"The failure – in terms of every major public policy issue – to serve the public interest can be attributed to that corrupting influence of money," he said. "Just follow the money, and you’ll see why Congress and the White House are pursuing these policies that are so inimical to the interest of the American people."

The same day Anderson announced his candidacy in Washington D.C., Donnelly, the Second District Indiana congressman seeking incumbent Republican Richard Lugar's U.S. Senate seat next year, lent credence to the characterization of Democrats and Republicans as two faces on the same tarnished coin. In comments made at a diner in Indianapolis, he expressed support for the Keystone XL Pipeline through the Western United States, according to an Indiana Public Media report.
"Without Democrats voting the way they did in Congress, we wouldn't have invaded Iraq. We wouldn't have suffered as a nation because of these Bush tax cuts." - Rocky Anderson
The pipeline would transport synthetic oil from the Alberta Tar Sands in Northeastern Alberta, Canada, to U.S. refineries from Illinois to Texas. James Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute, has said it will be "game over" for the climate if the Alberta oil sands become a major source of world oil.

"President George W. Bush said that the U.S. was addicted to oil," Hansen said in an Aug. 29, 2011, story posted on the Reuters website. "So what will the U.S. response to this situation be? Will it entail phasing out fossil fuels and moving to clean energy or borrowing the dirtiest needle from a fellow addict?"

Choosing the dirty needle would show Obama "was just greenwashing, like the other well-oiled, coal-fired politicians with no real intention of solving the addiction," he said.

Donnelly linked his Dec. 12 comments to Republican efforts to legislatively tie the pipeline to an extension of the payroll tax cut. "If that being in this bill makes it impossible to get this bill done, there are other points at where we can get the Keystone Pipeline squared away," he said.

The next day, Lugar issued a news release one-upping Donnelly on Keystone. The ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee tied the pipeline to national security and jobs as he argued the State Department's decision to delay action until at least 2013 was motivated by presidential politics. "America’s workers and security takes a backseat to the president’s effort to save his own job,” Lugar said in the release.

Anderson told The Guardian it is clear that Democrats do not represent the change Americans need.

"There are lots of good individuals in the Democratic Party," he said. "[But] without Democrats voting the way they did in Congress, we wouldn't have invaded Iraq. We wouldn't have suffered as a nation because of these Bush tax cuts."

Two-party collusion on retroactive immunity to telecom companies is another example of bipartisan decay and Obama's failed leadership, Anderson said on Democracy Now!.

"Then-Senator Obama promised this nation, before the primary, before he won the Democratic primary for the presidency, that he would join a filibuster against telecom company immunity," he said. Not only did he not filibuster, he voted for the legislation. "Who in this country gets Congress to grant them retroactive immunity for committing clearly felonious acts?"

The same goes for Obama's about face on domestic "war criminals" who engaged in torture in violation of international and domestic law, Anderson told Goodman. "We have this special class of people who aren’t even held accountable under the law."
"We have this special class of people who aren’t even held accountable under the law." - Rocky Anderson
To politically counter the corruption, the nation needs elected officials "who are pledged not to just represent the people’s interest in the same system, but to change the system and get the corrupting influence of corporate and other concentrated wealth out of our electoral system and out of our system of governance," he said.

Anderson told Democracy Now! that the Justice Party's agenda reflects input gathered from all over the country that demands a new direction for American society.

"It seemed that the notion of justice – economic justice, social justice, environmental justice – that’s what the people in this country want," he said. "They want an equal playing field. They want the laws to apply to everyone equally. And they don’t want our Congress and our president simply serving the interests of the economic aristocracy in this country any longer."

Today's politicians are not leaders, he said. They defer to polls and political considerations, not the public interest.

"You see these people bouncing back and forth," he said. "They’re unrecognizable from one moment to another. And it’s because of the basest political considerations. How are they to be trusted?"

Steven Higgs can be reached at

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Less than one percent. . .

. . . A group of millionaires [200-plus people making more than $1 million per year (including actress Edie Falco and economist Nouriel Roubini, among others] believe that America has been good to them and that it is their duty to give back. "The government provided a foundation through which we could succeed," writes the group on their website. They visited Congress Wednesday to ask for higher taxes. Hard to believe. Well, it happened. Some of the more liberal-bent members actually welcomed them, some conservatives merely tolerated them.

Grover Norquist reportedly said, "If you think the federal government can spend your money better than you can, then by all means" pay more in taxes than you owe. (A real humanitarian, this guy.)

One of the millionaires told Norquist that if he wanted low taxes and less government, he should renounce his citizenship and move to Somalia where they don't collect any tax.

These millionaires want the panel to raise taxes on people who earn more than $1 million, even though most Republicans are committed to NOT DOING just that. So the millionaires tried to meet with ANYONE who would listen. The progressive caucus did meet with them.

Lawrence Benenson, vice president of Benenson Capitol Co., ran into freshman Rep. Kristi Noem, R-S.D., in an elevator. "I'm with the Patriotic Millionaires and we want to pay more in taxes," he told her.

Then it was off, to see Norquist. For his part, Norquist was ready for the group with a lesson from the Torah: Maimonides and his "eight degrees of charity." That's what Norquist says the millionaires are essentially proposing with their tax-me-more pitch.

So Norquist made his colors quite clear. 'Let's stand on ceremony and F*^@k the people' is essentially what he said.

What will it take to make folks like Norquist SEE the light????

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Shame. . .

. . . our representatives appear to have failed us. Journalist from both sides of the camp weighed in. . .

Huffington Post. . .
One of the most-respected and economically intelligent publications in the world, The Economist, has turned against the Republican party for its disgraceful behavior with respect to the US debt-ceiling negotiations. The Republicans, the Economist points out, would rather disrupt the US economy and put the country into default than compromise on a long-term deficit and debt reduction plan. This behavior is an abdication of the Republicans' responsibilities as elected officials. It puts the Republicans' self-interest ahead of the country's. The Republicans' stance on the debt-ceiling has now gone so far, in fact, that the Republicans appear to be trying to disrupt the economy in order to improve their chances in the next elections, rather than address an economic crisis that threatens to affect millions of Americans. This is not practical or responsible. It's also not patriotic. It's traitorous.

Business Insider. . .
Finally, someone in Washington DC is taking a sensible approach to the US's massive debt and deficit crisis: President Obama. The Republicans continue to stick to their ludicrous plan to fix our problems by slashing spending immediately and raising no additional revenue. Over the long haul, spending does need to be cut, but slashing it suddenly will deliver a hammer blow to an already frail economy. The country will plunge back into recession, unemployment will soar, and--importantly from a budget perspective--government revenues will drop. The latter outcome, which we're seeing in Greece, the UK, and other countries that have tried "austerity" as a solution, will defeat the whole purpose of trying to balance the budget by cutting spending.

The National Review. . .
"Reagan may have resisted calls for tax increases, but he ultimately supported them. In 1982 alone, he signed into law not one but two major tax increases. The Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) raised taxes by $37.5 billion per year and the Highway Revenue Act raised the gasoline tax by another $3.3 billion. According to a recent Treasury Department study, TEFRA alone raised taxes by almost 1 percent of the gross domestic product, making it the largest peacetime tax increase in American history. An increase of similar magnitude today would raise more than $100 billion per year. In 1983, Reagan signed legislation raising the Social Security tax rate. This is a tax increase that lives with us still, since it initiated automatic increases in the taxable wage base. As a consequence, those with moderately high earnings see their payroll taxes rise every single year.
In 1984, Reagan signed another big tax increase in the Deficit Reduction Act. This raised taxes by $18 billion per year or 0.4 percent of GDP. A similar-sized tax increase today would be about $44 billion. The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 raised taxes yet again. Even the Tax Reform Act of 1986, which was designed to be revenue-neutral, contained a net tax increase in its first 2 years.

MediaMatters for America, County Fair. . .
From Will Bunch, author of, “Tear Down This Myth:
The Right-Wing Distortion of the Reagan Legacy,” 2009
What the American people have been news-fed instead has been an ideology loosely based on Reagan, called Reaganism – a notion that has led to the Tea Party’s hatred of anything involving government and the bogus ideas that taxes can only be cut or that diplomacy with America’s rivals is for wimps. With each passing election, more and more of the electorate is too young to have remembered or experienced the real Ronald Reagan, yet are searching for an idealized president based on these right-wing perpetrated fallacies. Many of the worst aspects of the George W. Bush presidency – more tax cuts for the rich, soaring deficits, and “axis of evil” bluster – were rooted in this legend of a man who wasn’t there.

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