Sunday, February 7, 2021

Watching . . .


There’s a boy in a room.
It’s a cavernous room,
With the walls all festooned
With the likenesses of
Sincere and humble, pious faces.

The eyes were watching,
Intently so.
Suspiciously watching,
But they weren’t the eyes
Of some omniscient, single, potent being.
They were the eyes of my fellow man,
And oh the things they did see.

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              Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak

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Saturday, February 6, 2021

How Much? . . .

Whenever you call me
And I’m not on the phone,
If you have a problem
And you find me at home,
You know you can
Count on me that much.

If you said you need me,
Just a couple days, I’m there.
I’ll drop what I’m doing
If it’s something I don’t care about
You can count on me that much.

Ours is just like one of those fairytales.
Ours is just like one of those shows. 
One thing bout our love that’s different;
It’s not a love that grows.

I’ll always be with you
When there’s nothing else to do.
When everyone’s busy
There’ll be only me and you.
It’s clear you can count on me that much.

Would you say it’s all you’ve been hoping for?
Would you really prefer something new?
Where else would you get this much
Attention devoted to you?

So don’t think you’re not special.
You’re kind of special to me.
There’s no one else like you.
Well maybe there’s just two or three.
Be sure you can count on me that much.

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Friday, February 5, 2021

Chromatose . . .

℗ 2003 Raymond M. Jozwiak

You see, I'm somewhat stranger than most.
At times, maybe a little gross.
But when my mood becomes morose,
I spin a helping of Chromatose . . . 

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Thursday, February 4, 2021

Baby . . .

Baby's almost everywhere
In songs and movies
Old and new.
He's in the rearview mirror now,
She's way ahead of you.
He's actually quite brilliant, true.
She's tall, short, fat and skinny.
She's old and young but lovable
He resembles Harrissinny. . . 
                 . . . nah.  Not really.

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Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

                For The Ride

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Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Bless . . .


. . . me Father, but you're a nutbar . . . 

"Some of you I know voted for someone who is now going to suffer and persecute the church for the next four years. That, on top of the fact that he supports the slaughter of the unborn," the Rev. Jeffrey Kirby admonished members of his congregation at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church in Indian Land, South Carolina, last month. "What have you done? What have you done to your church?" 

Rev Jeffrey Kirby would prefer that his parishioners re-elect the one who:

(from -(instigated)  ". . .The events of January 6, 2021, when a mob of Trump supporters besieged and occupied the US Capitol
-(who's) inept and inadequate response is what explains why 400,000 Americans will have died (from COVID-19
- (who's) foreign policy . . . undermined America’s position in the world. . . North Korea added to its nuclear stockpile and built more and better missiles . . . dVenezuela’s dictatorship is more entrenched, and Russia, Syria, and Iran increased their influence across the Middle East after America withdrew troops and support for local partners.
-(who's) withdrawal from international agreements and institutions became the hallmark of (his) foreign policy, as did his criticism of America’s European and Asian allies, coziness with authoritarian leaders, and disregard of human-rights violations. . . "

. . . espoused the practice of "just grab 'em by the pussy. . . " in reference to women.

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Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Understand . . .

". . .  “Socialism for the rich and capitalism for the rest” — a variation on a theme popularized in the 1960s — happens, explains Sharma (Ruchir Sharma, chief global strategist at Morgan Stanley Investment Management) when government intervention does more to stimulate the financial markets than the real economy. So, America’s richest 10 percent, who own more than 80 percent of U.S. stocks, have seen their wealth more than triple in 30 years, while the bottom 50 percent, relying on their day jobs in real markets to survive, had zero gains. Meanwhile, mediocre productivity in the real economy has limited opportunity, choice and income gains for the poor and middle class alike. . . "

Precisely what blue-collar 'conservatives', who think politicians (like 45, McConnell, etc) are actually working for THEM, do not understand!

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Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings
Another Shot by Ray Jozwiak
            Another Shot

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Monday, February 1, 2021

Talking . . .


. . . Candy Bar Blues
by Peter, Paul & Mary

A very old song that brings fond memories of my past.  Just crossed my mind . . . for
no particular reason.


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Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

                               Put A Finger On It

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