Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Clearer . . .

Accountability and transparency
Are what we're needing now
Together we'll stand
For what's good and what's right
And not fall for just one reprimand

The high road now,
Is what must be taken
Example to set
For the many now shaken
By intemperate egos breeding fear;
Stirring hate
Disregarding the future, the facts and our fate

A new day has arrived
It's now baby steps, see
A little at a time; enough that you can do
Work towards things agreed
And respect all those different from you

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at 

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(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Another . . .

. . . WTF . . .

". . . Seventeen years ago, Melania Knauss was granted legal residency in the United States through a green card with the elite EB-1 program—dubbed the “Einstein visa”—reserved for those who demonstrate that they have "an extraordinary ability, are an outstanding professor or researcher, or are a multinational executive or manager." . . . At the time she was a Slovenian model who had appeared in European runway shows, the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition and a Camel cigarette Times Square billboard. She was also dating Donald Trump. . . The year the future first lady obtained legal residency, 2001, only five people from her home country got green cards through the EB-1 program, according to State Department statistics reported by The Washington Post on Thursday. That year, a fraction of one percent, just 3,376 of more than one million green cards issued, were granted to immigrants with “extraordinary ability,” government data indicates. . . It is unclear how Knauss—who married Trump in 2005—qualified for the so-called “genius visa,” or “Einstein visa,” as Bruce Morrison, a former Democratic congressman who wrote the Immigration Act of 1990 defining EB-1, calls it. Applicants "must be able to demonstrate extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics through sustained national or international acclaim," according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. "Your achievements must be recognized in your field through extensive documentation.". . . "

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at pianogonzology

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and


Monday, November 5, 2018

Opinion . . .

. . . worth noting . .  .

(from by George Will, conservative, American political commentator who writes regular columns for The Washington Post and provides commentary for NBC News and MSNBC)
". . . Consider the melancholy example of House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (Wis.), who wagered his dignity on the patently false proposition that it is possible to have sustained transactions with today’s president, this Vesuvius of mendacities, without being degraded. In Robert Bolt’s play “A Man for All Seasons,” Thomas More, having angered Henry VIII, is on trial for his life. When Richard Rich, whom More had once mentored, commits perjury against More in exchange for the office of attorney general for Wales, More says: “Why, Richard, it profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world . . . But for Wales!” Ryan traded his political soul for . . . a tax cut. He who formerly spoke truths about the accelerating crisis of the entitlement system lost everything in the service of a president pledged to preserve the unsustainable status quo. . ."

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at pianogonzology

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and


Sunday, November 4, 2018

Fake . . .

. . . what?!!!. . .
Please be careful how much you believe what you hear . . .

(from Lincoln's Last Trial by Dan Abrams and David Fisher)
". . . then from memory (Attorney John Palmer) quoted John Adams, "but as Mr. Adams told us, 'Facts are stubborn things, and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations or the dictums of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.' . . . "

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at 

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Will . . .

. . . we EVER learn? . . .

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”
-origin disputed

". . . A gunman killed two people and wounded others at a yoga studio in Tallahassee, Florida, on Friday evening before apparently fatally shooting himself, officials say . . . The Tallahassee Democrat reported that a man who was in a nearby bar said people had come in looking for help and that they said a man in the yoga studio, called Hot Yoga, had been acting strange before he opened fire during a class. . . "

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at 

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and

Friday, November 2, 2018

Conspiracy . . .

. . .

This really is quite funny . . . (the twitter page of the 9 year-old [?? - well, he looks about 9] who was to reveal the Robert Mueller scandal). . .

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at 

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Savor . . .

. . . every hour . . .

On and on flow the hours
Like rolling waves upon the sea
And like so many and so varied flowers
Each one some nectar for the bee

We're keeping tabs and writing numbers
Logging each minute in the book
We have a choice to
Either dread the counting
Or see the forest for the trees

Store the knowledge
Hoard the wisdom
Take the years
And just run like crazy
Party’s only
What you make it
Make it into the
Best you can

There’s no protection from the power
We’re generating everyday
The blazing lights shine
From each lofty tower
Just to illuminate the way

Things that never occur to you
In the spring
Become clearer with each moving
Season passing

All options must be on the table
All points of view be kept in sight
And if you don’t do ev’ry thing you’re able
Make sure you do those which are right

Store the knowledge
Hoard the wisdom
Take the years
And just run like crazy
Party’s only
What you make it
Make it into the
Best you can

The Hours

(demo in progress for OHO)

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at pianogonzology

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and
