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Showing posts with label protection. Show all posts

Friday, December 15, 2017

Ohh!!! . . .

. . . zone . . .

". . . (former Texas Governer and current U.S. Energy secretary-Rick) Perry has cultivated an adversarial relationship with the Environmental Protection Agency going all the way back to his days as Texas’ agriculture commissioner. Perry contends the “mandates and overreaching regulation” of the EPA cost Texas jobs and that Texas is better equipped to tackle air quality issues than “a centralized, all-knowing, one-size-fits-all federal government.” And, he says, Texas has done just fine cleaning up its air without the EPA’s interference (a claim many environmental groups in Texas contest). . . One of Perry’s most heated battles with the EPA is over global warming and the Obama administration’s use of the Clean Air Act to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from the state’s many oil refineries and power plants. Perry is skeptical of scientists who say global warming is a man-made problem. Tensions reached a boil when, earlier this year, the EPA announced it was taking over control of the greenhouse gas permitting in Texas because the state refused to implement its rules. Texas has led several other states in a legal challenge to the global warming regulations. The issue is still pending in federal court. . ."

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

This is news???. . .

. . . or what? . . . 

 Below are actual headlines from recent news:

'Beyonce named most beautiful woman'
It's truly a marvel of modern times that we have such wonderful publications as 'People' magazine to name the 'most beautiful' woman and the rag that brought that news itself to us afterward.

'Zimmerman needs protection, lawyer says'
The man who allegedly shot an unarmed seventeen year-old in 'self defense' in a state that has a law allowing murder when committed in self defense (and in the absence of witnesses) actually now needs PROTECTION?

'Doctor claims he’s found the G spot'
A supposedly respectable doctor claims to have found the famed "G" spot on the cadaver of a woman well into her  eighties of whom he knows little to nothing of her genealogy, health or sex life. (Why is this news?)

'Trump to Scotland:  Ax 'monstrous' wind farm plans'
Why is Trump EVER in the news?

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