Showing posts with label fragment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fragment. Show all posts

Saturday, May 28, 2016

A Piece . . .

. . . A Work . . .

Full Definition of piece
1:  a part of a whole: as
a :  fragment <pieces of broken glass>
b :  any of the individual members comprising a unit —often used in combination <a five-piece band> <a three-piece suit>
c :  portion, allocation <a piece of the jackpot>
2:  an object or individual regarded as a unit of a kind or class <a piece of fruit>
3:  a usually unspecified distance <down the road a piece>
4:  a standard quantity (as of length, weight, or size) in which something is made or sold
5:  a literary, journalistic, artistic, dramatic, or musical composition
6:  firearm
7:  coin; also :  token
8:  a movable object used in playing a board game; specifically :  a chessman other than a pawn

Full Definition of work
1:  activity in which one exerts strength or faculties to do or perform something:
a :  sustained physical or mental effort to overcome obstacles and achieve an objective or result
b :  the labor, task, or duty that is one's accustomed means of livelihood
c :  a specific task, duty, function, or assignment often being a part or phase of some larger activity
2a :  energy expended by natural phenomena
b :  the result of such energy <sand dunes are the work of sea and wind>
c :  the transference of energy that is produced by the motion of the point of application of a force and is measured by multiplying the force and the displacement of its point of application in the line of action
3a :  something that results from a particular manner or method of working, operating, or devising <careful police work> <clever camera work>
b :  something that results from the use or fashioning of a particular material <porcelain work>

A Piece, A Work

©2016 Raymond M. Jozwiak

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