Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Face . . .

. . . it, we ALL would really be better off . . .

(from". . . House Democrats are on a mission to educate the American people about a little-known power of the 25th Amendment — the ousting of the president.

Led by freshman Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, a group of growing Democratic co-signers has put forth a bill that could force President Donald Trump from office if he were found mentally or physically unfit.

Although it was introduced in April, the bill has gained steam in the past week as Trump's tweet storms have grown in ferocity.

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"Given Donald Trump's continued erratic and baffling behavior, is it any wonder why we need to pursue this legislation?" asked Rep. Darren Soto, D-Florida, a co-signer. "The mental and physical health of the leader of the United States and the free world is a matter of great public concern."

If successful, the law would create an 11-member bipartisan commission known as the Oversight Commission on Presidential Capacity, which would medically examine the president and evaluate his mental and physical faculties.

Rankin hopes to take advantage of Section 4 of the 25th Amendment, which allows the vice president to remove the president if he or she has the consent of the majority of the Cabinet or "such other body as Congress," if they believe he cannot "discharge the powers and duties of the office." If all goes according to plan, the bipartisan commission could provide that consent after a medical examination of the president. . ."

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